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Understanding Men's Perception of Hair Loss: Impacts & Solutions

Hair loss is an issue that affects many men, yet behind every receding hairline and thinning crown, there’s often a range of emotions that’s not openly talked about. To help shed more light on this, we surveyed 2,000 men in the UK to find out how they feel about hair loss, and how it affects their self-image.

From our findings, it’s clear that hair is a key part of how men see themselves. In fact, 61% of men in the UK believe that hair plays a role in their overall self-confidence and body positivity, and 37% worry about losing their hair.

It’s no surprise that when hair loss kicks in, men can start to see themselves differently. Some embrace it, some seek out hair loss treatments, while others redefine their look entirely.

Our goal is to open up more conversations around hair loss, and help men navigate the emotional and mental challenges they face with confidence.


Understanding Hair Loss

We all lose up to 100 hair strands daily. These hairs usually grow back as part of a natural hair cycle. Unfortunately, this cycle can be disrupted in one of two ways . You might start shedding more hair than usual, or fewer strands might grow back.
By age of 35, around 40% of men will experience noticeable hair loss – with 95% of cases being a sign of male pattern baldness.
But hair loss isn’t just about, well, losing hair. There’s much more going on emotionally. Our survey highlights some of these internal challenges that men can face.

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  • Impact on Self-Esteem and Confidence: Hair loss can knock your self-confidence. Keep in mind that more than half of men agree that hair affects their overall body positivity. So, losing hair can lead to a dip in self-esteem – especially for those who go bald earlier than expected.

  • Anxiety and Depression: It’s not just about appearance – for some men, hair loss can lead to feelings of sadness, embarrassment, and even anxiety. From our survey, 39% of men have felt self-conscious or experienced negative emotions about their appearance – and hair loss doesn’t make it any easier.

  • Social Stigma: Let’s face it, society isn’t always kind to balding men. Some studies have shown that balding men are seen as less attractive or older, which can dent their self-esteem.

  • Treatment Costs: Hair transplants aren’t cheap, and there’s no guarantee of success. This can add another layer of stress for men facing hair loss.

  • Health Concerns : Thinning hair can sometimes point to an underlying health issue, like hormonal imbalances or side effects from medication.

Hair loss can happen for all sorts of reasons – from hormonal changes to stress, ageing, and even genetics – but how do most men identify hair loss?

34% of men in our survey say that noticing a receding hairline is the first red flag. Other telltale signs include coming across a bald spot (33%), and thinning hair (30%).

Common beliefs about hair loss in men

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Men’s Perception of Hair Loss

Not all men react to hair loss the same way. Some take it in their stride, others take time to adapt, and others can feel weighed down by it. These different mindsets may be influenced by:

Social and Cultural Views: People can start to see you differently as your hair thins, which can knock your confidence. Social media adds even more pressure, especially for young men. Around one in three men aged 18-34, and more than half aged 35-44 (53%), are bogged down by online influence on hair loss.

Ageing and Decline: Thick, voluminous hair is often seen as a sign of youth and good health. This is why when hair starts thinning, some men can feel like they’re losing their vitality. This is especially true for young men, as more than half (62%) those aged 18-34 worry about hair loss, compared to just (18%) of men aged 65 and over!

Loss of Masculinity: There’s a myth that a man’s hair is linked to his strength and power, so losing it can feel like losing a part of your identity. But not everyone agrees – 28% of men from our survey say hair loss doesn’t affect their masculinity at all.

Reduced Attractiveness: We often tie hair to beauty and therefore, men with hair loss might feel less desirable. This could be why around a third of men (28%) are worried about thinning hair and receding hairlines.

Stigma and Jokes: Bald jokes might seem harmless, but they can sting, making a man feel more self-conscious about their hair loss.

Positive Shifts: On the bright side, more men today are embracing baldness. There’s even a myth that bald men have higher testosterone, which some men now wear as a badge of honour. Celebrities like Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, and Michael Jordan have also popularised the look.


Getting support can make all the difference as a man facing hair loss. We found that men prefer to seek comfort from the following places:

Personal Relationships

  • 31% of men turn to their partner for support. When it comes to hair loss, close relationships play the biggest role in offering emotional reassurance.

Professional Help

  • 22% seek advice from healthcare professionals, such as GPs, pharmacists, or dermatologists. This suggests that while medical help is an option, many men aren’t jumping straight to it.


  • 17% turn to their barber – who’s not just a hair expert, but also someone they can turn to for advice on managing thinning hair and dealing with the emotions that come with it.

Interestingly, only 16% of men from our survey feel like there isn’t enough awareness on male hair loss, and one in 10 wish they could get more support on their body image issues.

The older generation seems to take hair loss in their stride, and most don’t mind going bald. Only one in five men aged 65 and over (21%) agreed to having negative emotions about their appearance, compared to more than half (59%) of men aged 18-34.

Treatments for Hair Loss

Men can access different hair loss treatment options depending on what they prefer, or what causes their hair loss. Most older men (77%) have a laissez-faire attitude to hair loss, and very few try to do anything about it. On the contrary, one in three young men aged 18 to 34 (31%) will use products such as Regaine (13%) for hereditary hair loss, or anti-thinning shampoo to address other hair loss issues.

Other popular hair loss treatment options include:

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Hair loss is a common part of life for many men, and you don’t have to face it alone. Whether you decide to embrace your new look, explore treatment options, or simply talk it out with friends and family, the key is to find what makes you feel most confident.

So, take a deep breath – and maybe a look in the mirror – and remember that hair, or lack thereof, doesn’t define you. What matters most is how you feel about yourself.